Tips To Take Care Of Oral Health In Summer

The summer holidays arrive, and that influences our habits. During the months of July and August, we spend more time in the street, on the beach, or in the pool; we go out more for a walk, eat out, or even have a drink.

In summer, we all commit some excesses. During the summer season and, especially during the holidays, it is normal for us to neglect our diet and leave our routines behind, including oral hygiene. However, if what you want is to enjoy a few days of relaxation without suffering any unwanted consequences for your oral health, you must take into account some considerations. 

With the arrival of the holidays, we spend more time on the street and eat more regularly outside the home. To this, we must add the intake of a greater amount of unhealthy products. Take advantage of these tips to take care of your teeth in the summer.

The holidays are a necessary moment to consider changing our habits, since by having more free time, we can recharge our batteries. However, modifying our routine also influences the neglect of some customs that should be maintained every day of the year.

Some of the routines also change, as many people leave behind the good nutrition they usually have during the winter.

One of the habits that many people leave behind in summer is oral health care, which can become complicated.

Therefore, in order to prevent oral health from worsening during the summer, the General Council of Dentists has launched a series of recommendations to carry out.


Water is very important for the care of your general health, not only oral. As far as your mouth is concerned, drinking plenty of water will help protect your gum tissue. Don’t forget to drink a glass of water after having a sugary drink and brush your teeth as soon as possible.

Despite the fact that in summer, we eat more meals outside the home, dentists recommend that you have to eat healthily.

The first sign of initial dehydration is a dry mouth sensation. To counteract the loss of fluids caused by sweating, drink two liters of water a day.

Experts remember that the first sign of dehydration is the sensation of a dry mouth. In this way, in order to counteract the loss of liquids that are produced by sweating, it is necessary to drink 2 liters of water a day. With this, we will hydrate our body and leave a dry mouth behind.

Sugary Foods And Drinks

In summer, we eat more carbonated drinks, ice creams, and slushies. These foods raise the levels of acids that damage the enamel, favoring the appearance of cavities.

In the summer, we usually eat more carbonated drinks, ice creams, and slushies, as they can be refreshing.

Well, the General Council of Dentists warn that these foods raise the levels of acids that damage the enamel, favoring the appearance of cavities, so we must consume them moderately.

Mouth Guards For Sports Practice

On vacation is when more dental injuries occur due to physical exercise outdoors. Therefore, another measure to maintain oral health in summer is to use a mouth guard if you are going to do contact sports. In the event of a dental fracture, keep the tooth in saline, water, or milk, and immediately go to a dentist to carry out the most appropriate treatment.

During the summer holidays, dentists warn that this is when more dental injuries occur, both in children and adults. This is because more physical exercise is practiced outdoors.

Therefore, in order to avoid it, experts recommend using a mouth guard if you do contact sports. In addition, they warn that, in the event of a dental fracture, the tooth must be kept in saline, water, or milk and go immediately to a dentist to be able to carry out the appropriate treatment.


Take Care Of Oral Hygiene

 Chewing Gum

Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, and use floss or an interdental brush at night. If you do not have the possibility to brush your teeth, the best option is to chew sugar-free gum with xylitol for 20 minutes since it produces saliva and helps with cleaning. But remember that no chewing gum or food replaces brushing.

Dental Floss

Despite the fact that with the change in a routine, it is difficult to maintain oral hygiene habits, it is essential to remember this and brush your teeth at least twice a day, for 2 minutes each time, and with fluoride toothpaste. Floss or interdental brush should also be used at night.

Sugar-Free Gum

In case it is not possible to brush your teeth because you are not at home, the best option is to chew sugar-free gum with xylitol for 20 minutes, as it produces saliva and helps clean. Although it is important to remember that no chewing gum or food, however healthy it may be, replaces brushing teeth.

Oral Hygiene

It is important that during the summer and, especially during your vacations, you do not neglect your oral hygiene. Always carry a toothbrush with you and worry about brushing them three times a day after each meal. Keep in mind that high temperatures favor the proliferation of microorganisms, also inside the mouth, so you will have to be very thorough with your oral hygiene if you want to save yourself the trouble.

Protect Your Lips

Just like you protect the rest of your body, protect your lips from the effects of the sun with a suitable sunscreen to prevent them from burning.Just as we protect our bodies from the sun, we must also protect our lips from its harmful effects. Thus, we must use suitable sunscreen to prevent them from burning, just as we must remember to protect the rest of the body.

Take Lots Of Fruit

Even if you eat away from home, try to eat healthy, eating fruit, vegetables, fish, and olive oil. Avoid processed foods, fats, alcohol, and tobacco.

The huge variety of seasonal fruits that summer offers us can be a perfect ally to take care of our health. Thanks to the consumption of fruit, we will not only provide our body with the antioxidants it needs, but we will also be hydrating it in a delicious way. Fruits like watermelon contain a large amount of water and are a great option to satisfy hunger between meals.

The consumption of fruits, vegetables, fish, and olive oil is important, and it is advisable to avoid processed foods and fats. In addition, alcohol and tobacco should also be avoided, as they affect our oral health.

Eat Sugarless Gum

As an emergency resource, sugar-free gum can get you out of trouble if you don’t have a chance to brush your teeth between meals. Although they are not the ideal product to clean our teeth, sugar-free gum helps us to eliminate food particles that remain on the surface of our teeth. Of course, do not forget to give them a good brushing as soon as you have the opportunity.

Be Careful With Outdoor Activities

It’s proven. Outdoor activities and sports in summer significantly increase tooth trauma, especially in children. If, after a fall or blow, we notice that a tooth is moving (or has broken), we should immediately go to a dentist. Only by going in the first hours after the accident can we recover the dental piece.

Don’t Go Overboard With The Ice Creams And Granites

High temperatures, in contrast to the cold of ice creams and slushies, favor “dental sensitivity.” This reaction alerts us that our mouth is suffering due to these temperature contrasts, so it is important that we do not abuse cold foods and drinks. It is also important that you avoid, as far as possible, sweet and highly acidic foods that can damage your tooth enamel.

Beware Of Chlorine In Swimming Pools

Water treated with chemical products such as chlorine can harm the state of our teeth. This is because they contain a PH higher than that of saliva, which can cause stains on the teeth and even erode them. For this reason, even if you probably weren’t going to do it, we remind you: chlorine damages your teeth, so avoid both coming into contact.

Do Not Neglect Treatments

If you are undergoing any treatment, such as splints for bruxism or orthodontic treatment, you should continue using the hours that the dentist has recommended. It is important not to neglect to put them on since, with free time, it is something that can happen.

If you use discharge splints for bruxism or orthodontics, you should continue using them for the hours that the dentist has recommended.

Take The Opportunity To Visit The Dentist

During the winter, workloads, school, and obligations mean that there is less time to go to the dentist.

If you want to make sure that you will not suffer any discomfort during the holidays and that you are going to keep your teeth healthy, it is best to go to the dentist to undergo a check-up before leaving on a trip.

Taking advantage of the holidays, you can allocate an hour to go for a review. A good general check-up for the whole family will avoid pain, complications, and expenses in the future.

In addition, as the Covid-19 pandemic is still present, dentists remember that it is essential to take care of the toothbrush, wash your hands well before and after using it, clean it, disinfect it, dry it, keep it protected in its cap, do not share it and do not store it with other brushes.

For this reason, taking advantage of the summer holidays, the General Council of Dentists recommends allocating an hour to go to the review. A good general check-up for the whole family can avoid pain, complications, and more expenses in the future.